
Note: keep in mind that all of the functions/variables in the api documentation are part of the nog global. So to use the below uv variable you will have to write nog.uv.


lua bindings for libuv provided by luv. You can also require it directly by using require 'luv'.


A string that contains the nog version you are currently running. If you downloaded a vX.X.X release this will contain the version number, but if you downloaded a release of a branch like development this will contain the branch name together with the commit hash.


A string that contains the path to the runtime folder.


A string that contains the path to the nog folder.


A table that contains the configuration of nog.


Exits the nog process.


Formats the local time using the provided pattern and returns it.


Return: a string that contains the local time formatted using the provided pattern.


Runs the executable with name in a subprocess.


  • name [string] name of the executable (ex. notepad.exe)

scale_color(color, factor)

Scales the color by factor. Useful for creating different shades of a color.


  • color [number] the color to be scaled
  • factor [number] how much the color gets scaled

Return: color scaled by factor.


Either leaves or enters work mode

inspect(value, [options])

The kikito/inspect.lua function.


  • value the value you want information on
  • options an optional table which can have the following fields
    • depth sets the maximum depth that will be printed out. When the max depth is reached, it will stop parsing tables and just return {...}
    • newline the string used to add a newline to each level of a table. (Default \n)
    • indent the string used to add an indent to each level of a table. (Default - two spaces)
    • process a function which allow altering the passed object before transforming it into a string. A typical way to use it would be to remove certain values so that they don't appear at all.

Return: a human readable representation of the lua value in a string.


Return: the window ID of the currently focused window (regardless of whether it's managed by nog or not)


Toggles the visibility of all non-workspace specific pinned programs.